Saturday, May 28, 2005

Testing this thing on?

Hi! Welcome to the Cackling Grackle blog. All the kewl kids were doing it,, here it is.

If you just found this, and need some background, I'm the founder of the Cackling Grackle email list, which started on Topica .com a few years back and moved to Yahoo! groups over ongoing unresolved technical and political censorship issues. My own political viewpoint is an (often uneasy and inconsistent) amalgam of social libertarianism, mainly left-anarchist economics, a belief in the principles embodied in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and a evolving philosophical stance that I suppose could be called Prometheanism - people familiar with the works of Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Timothy Leary, and R. Buckminster Fuller will probably understand the gist of it. How it all is supposed to work in practical terms - well, that's a work in progress, as is the USA, as is Homo Sapiens, etc. This blog is in part where I try to work out the kinks in the chain.

The mailing list will continue as usual, and there will probably be a lot of overlap between the list and the blog on major stories, but the blog will usually have more extended commentaries and rude remarks. So in general, if you want links to lots of breaking news stories and articles, from several different posters, join or continue with the mailing list and/or check the archives at Yahoogroups. If you want a smaller selection of stories with more context and commentary from yours truly, then check the blog regularly.


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